Mission Statement Contest!

1. Introduce the mission statement contest using the poster with the rules. It is nice to have an example. So maybe the staff can create a poster for their room.
2. Go over the rules. Tell them where the supplies are located. Tell them about the prizes. Put copies of the mission statement everywhere.
3. Here is a possible spiel that the teachers can use if they don’t know what to say.
A mission and vision are standard and critical elements of a company’s organizational strategy. Most established companies develop organizational mission statements and vision statements, which serve as foundational guides in the establishment of company objectives. The company then develops strategic and tactical plans for objectives. A company’s mission statement is essentially its statement of purpose. It serves as a guide for all of the company’s decision-making. – from Neil Kokemuller in smallbusiness.chron.com
This is true for the Shepherd School of Language as well. Our purpose is to provide quality intensive English language instruction that offers students an opportunity to enter into an American college or university for continued training or for personal and/or professional enrichment. Everything we do in the classroom and every decision we make at SSL has this thought in mind.
Below our statement, you see our goals expressed with the acronym FLUENT. These tell us how we are going to meet our mission statement. Each goal is important to ensure we achieve our mission. (Go over each goal with an example of how SSL has met that goal. For example: In our campuses, we have a bulletin board in the student lounge where the Business class keeps information about the upcoming event. One sheet is geared to singles, one to families, and one to free activities. This is one way we help students take full advantage of their stay in the United States.)
By reviewing the mission statement each year with our poster contest, we get a chance to rededicate ourselves to this mission. We as teachers and administration are reminded why we are here. You as students can be ensured that we are doing all we can to achieve our mission. Our 6th goal: Teach seriously committed students who desire to be fluent in the English language is your part to help us reach our mission. So it is a time for you to also rededicate yourself to this mission, i.e., to be a seriously committed student who desires to be fluent in the English language.
We are all in this together and it takes all of us to achieve our mission. Plus, who can’t use an extra $20. LOL. Have fun. Be creative. Win!!!