Student (F-1) Visa
If your main purpose for coming to the U.S. is to study, you will need a student visa. A student visa allows you to study full-time, and you must continue to study full-time during your time in the U.S. to remain in the U.S. legally. A full-time student must take at least 18 hours of weekly class.
An I-20 is a document that means you have been accepted to study at an educational institution in the U.S. SSL is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students. To apply for an I-20, you must complete the following four steps:
1. Fill out an enrollment agreement form.
2. Pay the application and mailing fees by credit card, personal check, or money order.
3. Send a photocopy of your passport picture page.
4. Send your financial documentation that shows you have sufficient money to study and live in the U.S. This documentation can be any of the following:
A copy of your personal bank statement or your sponsor’s bank statement. If you send a copy of your bank statement, please include a letter signed by your sponsor saying they promise to support you in the U.S.
A document from your government or other agency paying for your studies saying that this organization agrees to support you in the U.S.
If someone other than you or your parents will support you, you must include an affidavit of support (I-134) along with your application. Don’t hesitate to contact SSL for more information.
Once you have completed these steps, we will review your information for admission and send you an I-20 and acceptance letter to you within 3-4 business days.
The program start date on SSL’s I-20 is usually a few days before classes begin to allow time for testing, placement, and orientation. Students may NOT enter after the start date on the I-20.
Students may enter the U.S. up to 30 days BEFORE the date on the I-20. For example, if the start date on your I-20 is 5/31, you may arrive in the U.S. between 5/01 and 5/31.
Applying for a Student (F-1) Visa
You can apply for a student visa at the U.S. Consulate in your country. When you go to the U.S. Consulate in your country to apply for a student visa, you must take at least the following documents:
Your I-20 from SSL and your receipt of the SEVIS Fee.
Proof that you have enough money to live and study in the U.S. This can be a copy of your bank statement, a copy of your parent’s bank statement, or information from the person or organization that will support you.
Proof that you plan to return to your country after you study in the U.S. This can be evidence that you have a job, you will go to school in your country, you have family (a husband, wife, or children) in your country, or that you own property or a business in your country.
Proof that you are a serious student. Bring copies of your high school or university transcripts with you if possible.
A study plan. Write a letter that describes your plan for studying in the U.S. Explain why you want to learn English and what you plan to do after you learn English.